Saptha offers Thermax Destromat Pyrolytic Incinerators specifically designed to manage hazardous solid waste. Thermax Incinerators are designed to achieve the desired Destruction & Removal Efficiency (DRE) along with emission norms laid down by the Central Pollution Control Board
Automotive, Hospitals, Hotels, Paint Industry, Food & Beverages, Pharma, Educational Institutions, Malls, convention centres, etc.,
Technical Data
Flow (Q) : Max. 180 m3/h, Head(H): Max. 490m, Liquid temp : -40°c to +180°c , Max. pressure : 50 bar
Unique Features
- Multi-chamber design
- Tested & certified by Central Pollution Control Board(CPCB)
- Technical registration with DGS&D
- Adequate instrumentation for safety & control
- Minimum site work for erection and commissioning
Options Available
- Heat recovery system & Auto feeding mechanism version for the above range are also available
- Higher capacity units, in the range of 300-1500 kg/Hr, VS-with venture scrubber